Learn How Hands-On Manual Therapy Can Benefit You

Who Is Eligible for Therapy Services at Florida Keys Therapy & Wellness?

For Adults and Seniors:

  • You DO NOT need a doctor referral or prescription for therapy services. In Florida, you have the right to see an Occupational Therapist through "direct access". Please call us for more information.
  • Direct Access allows you to be evaluated and treated immediately by your preferred therapist. Timely evaluation and immediate treatment can result in better outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.
  • Florida Keys Therapy & Wellness, LLC also gladly provides an insurance invoice form that you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement

For Children:

  • If you or your child’s teacher notice that they are having a difficult time with fine motor skills (holding a pencil or crayon, feeding themselves, dressing with snaps, ties or buttons, cutting with scissors) or specifically with writing their letters, shapes or numbers, please call and I will gladly do an age appropriate screening evaluation with your child in the comfort of your home. After the evaluation, we can discuss whether your child would benefit from some play based therapy activities to help them make improvements in these important skills.

What is fascia?

Fascia is a tough, web-like layer of connective tissue that surrounds everything in your body— from muscles and bones to nerves and organs. It connects your body parts in a continuous web from head to toe and from the outer skin to the deepest bones, providing support and flexibility.

Why is fascia important?

Fascia plays a crucial role in your body’s structure. It helps maintain posture, provides support and flexibility, and works in harmony with muscles and bones. By wrapping around every internal part, it ensures everything stays in its rightful place.

What can damage fascia?

Factors like trauma, repetitive stress, poor posture, and inflammation can lead to fascia becoming tight or restricted. This can cause excessive pressure on muscles, nerves, organs, and bones, leading to pain and reduced mobility.

How can I find out if my fascia is causing pain?

Standard medical imaging, such as X-rays or MRI scans, can’t show fascial restrictions. If you’re experiencing unexplained pain and reduced mobility after other conditions have been ruled out, it is time to consider your fascial system.

FAQ's about FASCIA and MFR

How should I prepare for my treatment session?

Myofascial Release is done directly on the skin. Please bring appropriate clothing that allows for hands-on contact with your body. It is recommended that women bring athletic or loose fitting shorts and a sports bra or tank top, and men bring athletic or loose fitting shorts. No lotion or oil on the skin the day of your session.

What happens during a session?

A Myofascial Release therapist utilizes a whole-body approach to treatment. During your initial session, your therapist will be looking for areas of fascial restriction in the body. The treatment approach will vary depending on where your particular areas of restriction lie. You may be treated in areas that seem unrelated to your condition. However, these areas may be creating a “drag” on adjacent pain-sensitive structures, thus contributing to your symptoms.

Treatment sessions are often very relaxing. There may or may not be a conversation with the therapist, and at the same time, the therapist will encourage you to be aware of sensations you may be feeling in your body. Feedback to the therapist about what you are feeling helps the therapist to be most effective.

How many sessions will it take?

Unfortunately there is no number of treatments that corresponds with age, diagnosis, years of pain or dysfunction. Each person responds at their own rate. Patients are tapered based on their progress. In general, patients who are motivated to achieve their goals and follow through with self-treatment, tend to resolve their pain and functional limitations in a shorter amount of time. Whereas people with chronic pain and symptoms may require more frequent sessions and more intensive therapy (frequency and duration).

Once it releases will it stay that way?

Myofascial Release treatment provides long term relief for a variety of ailments but nothing lasts forever. This would be the equivalent of saying, "I took a shower yesterday, do I really have to do it again today?" Sure, you can skip a few days, but eventually that will catch up with you. Each day brings on new stressors and physical demands that take a toll on our bodies over time. When we learn to take care of our physical, mental, emotional & spiritual needs, on a daily basis we can prevent the severity of future dis-ease. If you can dedicate a minimum of 5-7 minutes a day to self-treatment, you can prevent a lot of symptoms from settling in.

What is the cancellation policy?

Since I set aside your appointment time, especially for you, I request that you provide at least 24 hours notice to change or cancel your appointment. If less than 24 hours notice is given, you will be charged for the full amount of the visit.

What sets the John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Therapy apart from other hands on (manual) therapy?

The John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach (JFBMFR) is unique because it views the body, mind, and spirit as interconnected. This is a very holistic therapy that not only addresses physical issues but also considers emotional factors, providing comprehensive support for optimal health.

How long have you been practicing Myofascial Release?

I began studying MFR since 2019 after personally benefitting from Myofascial Release Therapy (in my effort to heal from my cancer journey) to relieve pain, tightness, stomach pain, neck and back pain and poor function, I have made it my mission to bring these amazing holistic therapies to my Florida Keys community and have been studying, attending seminars and practicing MFR since then.

Why do you hold stretches for so long during treatment?

Holding a stretch for an extended period is a key aspect of MFR. This allows for the release of interleukin, a natural anti-inflammatory produced by the body, promoting healing. Each session is tailored to the individual, with stretches held for a minimum of 5 minutes, sometimes longer, to achieve the best results.

How often should I receive Myofascial Release treatment?

Finding the right frequency for Myofascial Release (MFR) is key to maximizing its benefits. While the recovery and healing process varies person to person with all therapy including MFR, not receiving enough treatment can slow your progress.

The frequency of sessions can be tailored to how quickly you want to achieve results. For those just starting, I recommend regular sessions several times a week, with once a week as a minimum. This can significantly enhance the body’s ability to release and heal at a deep level. Once you’ve reached your desired outcome, you can transition to a maintenance schedule, typically once a month, to sustain your progress and keep your body in optimal condition.

Is Myofascial Release compatible with other therapies?

Absolutely! Myofascial Release complements various therapies, such as chiropractic care, physical therapy, acupuncture, and other therapy. It works on the fascia and the mind/body complex, enhancing overall results and contributing to more significant, lasting improvements.

What if I feel worse after a session?

Feeling worse temporarily can be part of the healing process, often referred to as a “healing crisis.” This is when the body starts to address deeper layers of restrictions, bringing up sensations and emotions. While it may be uncomfortable, this phase is usually brief and signifies deep healing.

What should I do during a healing crisis?

During a healing crisis, it’s important to support your body through balancing rest and activity as well as making sure your body is well hydrated and nourished. We may also review some self-treatment techniques that you can do at home.

Call me today to schedule an appointment.

I serve patients in the following areas in Florida:

  • Florida Keys
  • Big Pine Key
  • Duck Key
  • Monroe County
  • Key Colony Beach
  • Marathon